BestRenderSequence script

As I was rendering my last animation, I thought it would be better if the renderer shot the most distant frames instead of the closest. In a sequence from 1 to 15, for instance, it wouldn’t render 1, 2, 3, 4… but 1, 15, 8, 4… always getting the middle frames.

I took it as a challenge with a friend, and finally got it working in python ::

# Best Render Sequence
# by Ed Schiffer
def bestRenderSeq(inN, outN):
    inN, outN   = int(inN), int(outN)
    sortedSeq   = [inN, outN]
    finalSeq    = [inN, outN]
    tempList    = []
    while len(finalSeq) != (outN -inN +1):
        for item in sortedSeq:
            if sortedSeq.index(item) != 0:
                count = sortedSeq.index(item) 
                tempN = (sortedSeq[count] +sortedSeq[count -1]) /2
        for item in tempList:
            if item not in finalSeq:
                tempList = []
    print "best render sequence: %s" %finalSeq

little Portuguese poetries

a little break from my CG posts, this weekend I took the time to take two poetries of mine as done. they are both in Portuguese ::

Canto da Festa
seu olhar não saiu bem na foto
a boca ficou torta,
sua alma ficou fora de foco
gastou a maior parte do tempo
isolado no canto da festa,
consumindo como sua bebida
todo o futuro que lhe resta
seus gastos não condizem com sua condição
seus trajes não combinam com seu coração
era uma criança alegre, ativa, sem pudor
mas a vida lhe deixou de mau humor…
o que houve, meu bem?
ainda há como se achar no caminho!
cadê aquela coragem de quem fugiu do ninho,
para voar alto e além?
mas aqui, no canto da festa
pra se esconder finge coçar a testa
ergue o copo para não cair em lágrimas
embebido em si, inibido em lástimas
deixando vazar essa fria solidão
e o desconforto em sua própria pele
todos temos problemas e defeitos,
aceite quem é, sem vergonha, se revele
busque seu modelo, objetivo
encontre o enquadramento
projete sua luz e viva!
pois este é o momento

Cinema 4D first impressions

I’m a Softimage user/fan for about 3 years, have worked with 3ds Max another 3 and learned Maya in between. For 3 Saturdays of last October, the company I work for payed a Cinema 4D R13 course to all art department, so again I took the road of learning another 3d package…

The software is indeed much more friendly than others. People who is not familiarized with CG will get it on much faster. Some cool things I’ve noticed: Continue reading

Premultiplied vs Straight

As I was researching about the differences between these two color modes, I’ve noticed how many people have difficulty about it, most working with it everyday. So as a form of self study I made the following diagram.

{In a nut shell, when you have transparency in the Straight mode, only the alpha channel is affected, the RGB remains the same, pure; with Premultiplied, the RGB channels get multiplied by the background color, which most cases is black. The alpha channel of both are exactly the same.}

Click for a bigger version. Hope it helps ::

CG, Illustration & Experiments